CMIT Applicant Character Reference Form

Applicant's Name

The above named applicant is applying for a ten-month Campus Missionary-in-Training internship program with our national university ministry, and is asking for a reference from you. Your frank evaluation is appreciated.

Reference Name

Reference Position/Title

Reference Contact Info

How do you know the applicant?

How long have you known the applicant?

How would you rate applicant in the following qualities using the following key to evaluate? Please comment.
1 = No Observation
2 = Below Average
3 = Average
4 = Very Good
5 = Exceptional

Analytical ability, good judgment, thinks strategically

Willing to make decisions

Self-confident, self-assured

Integrity in word and deed

Honest, truthful, non-deceitful

Open with peers and overseers

Verbal communication skills

Work habits, promptness, and thoroughness

Emotional stability

Desires to lead

Willing to assume responsibility

Ability to get along with others

Attitude towards authority

Gains cooperation from others

Sets challenging personal goals

Takes initiative, is proactive

What is your assessment of the applicant's fitness and suitability for working with a religious organization? Please state your estimation of the applicant's character, capacity and motivation for vocational ministry.

Do you have any reservations regarding the applicant's fitness and suitability for working with a religious organization?



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Document name: CMIT Applicant Character Reference Form
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Timestamp Audit
October 20, 2017 11:36 am CSTCMIT Applicant Character Reference Form Uploaded by CMIT Program - [email protected] IP
December 6, 2017 12:46 pm CST Document owner [email protected] has handed over this document to [email protected] 2017-12-06 12:46:01 -
November 26, 2018 4:38 pm CST Document owner [email protected] has handed over this document to [email protected] 2018-11-26 16:38:27 -,