Want to serve as a CMIT?
The CMIT application for the 2025-2026 school year opens on November 1, 2024.

There is an application fee of $115. Application fee increases to $175 on Feb 15th

A Campus Missionary-in-Training internship with Chi Alpha Campus Ministries is a nine- to twelve-month opportunity to learn and develop the character and competencies necessary for a calling and mission among college students. It will include a biblical and practical ministry education, character development, and wide variety of skill acquisition required for campus ministry service. It will involve learning and growing under the care and mentoring of veteran men and women who have modeled fruitfulness and godliness and been nationally approved to offer a CMIT internship.

Important Qualifications:

  • Applicants must be active followers of Jesus.
  • Applicants must be walking in freedom from addiction and pornography.


Step 1 Affiliation with Chi Alpha and CMIT Application (see link below)
This walks you through the approval as a XA affiliate and as a CMIT. This process accomplishes:
– CMIT Approval
– Area and District Chi Alpha approval

Step 2 If you need to open a US Missions account to receive funds, within 2 business of submission of the CMIT application days you will receive an email with instructions to set up an AGUSM dashboard login.

  • Once the dashboard login is created you will receive task assignments via email as you go through the approval process, so please check your email regularly. These tasks are not difficult but can take time, so please complete them as soon as they are assigned. This will help your account open swiftly.

This walks you through the process for opening up a Missionary Associate Account with AGUSM and provides you with:
– USMEC approval
– AG District approval
– Local Supervisor approval

Are you interested in starting a CMIT program on your campus?

Why Do a CMIT?

by Brady Bobbink
Former Western Washington University Chi Alpha Director in Bellingham, WA

The words “Campus Missionary-in-Training” seem to lack the zing needed to grab most readers’ imagination. But before you pass over this article, consider the following question:

Have you ever been operated on? I have faced that unpleasant but needed experience in life. I was calmed considerably knowing that practical preparation required of my doctor before he was set free to work on me.

Consider the teacher, counselor, pilot, or electrician. All of these fields and many more have long realized the need for supervised “in-field” training. This training (especially in the medical field) is known as an internship, and is considered an essential aspect of credible preparation.

But what about the area of pastoral calling, where many seem much slower to see “in-field” training as an essential aspect of proper preparation? This attitude prevails in spite of the fact that the minister (be it campus or church) is a combination of the teacher, counselor, pilot, and doctor. The campus pastor will be a teacher of eternal truths and will be called on to give counsel to countless number of students. He or she will guide (pilot) the student fellowship through many storms. The campus minister is a surgeon of the soul who must learn rightly to use the scalpel of the spirit.

With these things in mind and in light of Scripture’s concern for the proper testing of leaders (1 Timothy 3:10), one wonders why we place so little stress on meaningful internships in the training of our pastors. It is time we recognize that a CMIT is not irrelevant. It is essential!

You may be thinking, “I’ve been to college, Bible school, or perhaps seminary, so why should I do a CMIT?” Good question! Pastoral ministry, like a surgeon, pilot, or electrician, entails much more than simply fostering simple theological truths and ministry philosophy in a formal classroom setting.

The mind must be prepared, but there must also be an extended time of testing one’s character, discovery of one’s gifts, and [to] be done realistically requires “hands on” experience.

A veteran CMIT director stated, “My experience was over the nine years of training interns from Bible schools, seminaries, and secular colleges has confirmed that all of them needed and greatly benefited from the practical supervised training they received. This need for practical training is the first reason to do a CMIT.”

What Happens in a CMIT?

Chi Alpha Campus Ministries exist to reconcile students to Christ—transforming the university, the marketplace, and the world. Transforming the world requires transformed missionaries. This is the purpose of the Chi Alpha Missionary-in-Training Internship. Through a program focused on theological studies, ministry skills acquisition, and personal mentoring from staff to intern. Missionaries will develop the character, capacity, team chemistry, Chi Alpha culture, and competencies needed to reconcile students to Christ.

Regarding theological studies, our goal is to establish habits for personal biblical studies, as well as theological round tables and classes to grow in biblical literacy.

To enable ministry skills acquisition, interns will have the opportunity to live out what they are learning as they participate in small group leading, preaching labs, campus evangelism, administration, cross-cultural ministry, and other skills that will grow them personally and the ministry collectively.

Concerning pastoral mentoring, interns will have consistent opportunities to meet with their pastoral supervisor for debriefing, discipling, and direction.

Through this process, we will transform missionaries who will transform the world.


What basic budget areas are covered in a monthly CMIT budget?

  1. Housing and utilities.
  2. Food.
  3. Medical insurance.
  4. Phone.
  5. Debt Repayment.
  6. Misc. – a monthly reserve to cover unanticipated expenses.
  7. Newsletter.
  8. Giving/Tithe.
  9. Transportation.
  10. Savings. This is mainly for estimated taxes. We also hope that you would be able to set aside a small amount each month for emergencies.

How are CMIT finances handled?

Upon approval as a CMIT intern, you will be assigned an account number from the Assemblies of God Division of U.S. Missions (AGUSM). All of your pledge forms, funds and receipts will be processed through their finance department at:

1445 Boonville Avenue
Springfield, MO 65802

Directions for these procedures will be addressed in the finance packet received after your acceptance into the program, and at the Reach the University Institute (RUI). Once you confirm your account number and communicate it to your support partners, you can begin to receive financial contributions into your account.

Anytime a person sends a financial gift to your account, they should make the check payable to national Chi Alpha and include your account number on their check. Each time a check is received, the finance office will deposit the money in your account and issue a receipt to that donor. The donor (or partner) can then use that receipt when sending in next month’s contribution.

Please be aware that the Assemblies of God Finance office does not send out reminders to those sending in monthly financial contributions. It will be the responsibility of the donor to send in their contribution each month. AGUSM does offer the option of setting up direct deposit for a donor to send their gift in.

On the tenth of each month, the AGUSM financial office sends out a check and a printout of activity for the previous month (i.e., $1,000 came in from the following sources…and they’ll be listed for you). You can then monitor the activity in your account by checking for the monthly pledges that have been committed to you.

Lastly, AGUSM takes out a 5% administrative fee from each intern and missionary account for the services they provide.

What are the requirements for a CMIT?

  • Persons who have earned a bachelor’s level degree.
  • Persons who are able to commit 9-12 months in a full-time internship.
  • Persons willing and able to raise their full financial support for the internship period.
  • Persons willing to immerse themselves in secular campus ministry.
  • Persons who are willing to fulfill application requirements.
  • Persons willing to be challenged, work hard, and grow.

What is the difference between a missionary associate (MA) and a campus missionary-in-training (CMIT)?

A missionary associate is a one- to three-year commitment to serve a campus. It does include Berean courses like a CMIT, and therefore an MA status will not count towards Assemblies of God credentials. The MA status allows a missionary to commit to a campus for a short period of time with a lower budget to raise.

A campus missionary-in-training internship is a one-year commitment that includes Berean courses counting towards Assemblies of God credentials. It includes additional training and curriculum that come from a CMIT program. Being a one-year commitment, it enables someone to give a year back to campus before going into the marketplace, test their calling for campus ministry, receive needed training before becoming a missionary associate, fulfill a requirement towards becoming a lead director.

When does a CMIT internship take place?

The CMIT internship programs generally start between the middle of August or September and conclude in May or June of the following year.

Where are CMIT internship programs located?

There are CMIT programs located across the United States. See the list of CMIT programs for exact locations.

What are the differences between all of the available internship programs?

The primary difference is the location of the program and the personality and giftings of the CMIT director. All of the directors are men and women of sound doctrine and mature character who exemplify the values, vision, and mission of Chi Alpha Campus Ministries, U.S.A. They will offer a safe and stable ministry environment that has borne much fruit among students. The directors (and their staff and local campus ministry) have met criteria to be a CMIT training site. All of the CMIT internship sites will offer a graduate level program of biblical education, character development, and skills necessary for the development of campus ministry staff.

Whether you desire to receive an internship in a small college town or a major urban area, you are destined to receive a top level experience in theological training, personal development, and ministry mentoring. Of course, the personality and experience of the CMIT director will differ from location to location. The budget necessary for an internship in an urban area will be higher than that of a state college or college town. Each program will have strengths and qualities reflective of their staff and students, but all of them will offer a person a genuine chance to learn, grow, and be equipped to determine the call of God and obey it.

How much will a CMIT internship cost?

The amount is different from one program to another determined by the cost-of-living in that city. The budget will be determined by the local CMIT director, however, we suggest a single person raise $1,850.00 per month and a married couple $2,200.00.

How does an intern develop a budget?

Each intern will be expected to raise a personal monthly budget from family, friends, savings, churches, and other creative sources. Hundreds of people have been equipped to communicate vision for campus ministry training to others and seen the provision of God for their internship.

My spouse has a national account. Do I need one as well?

No, if your spouse has a national account, you do not need to request one to be opened for yourself. Your funds will be under one account.

How is a CMIT intern evaluated?

The CMIT director is committed to an open, sincere, and honest relationship with you. Their goal will be to build you up in the faith as well as in your ministry. This not only includes day-to-day activities, but they also evaluate your gifts, talents, character and calling as they understand them. Their hope is that they can help isolate your weaknesses and build upon your strengths as a pastoral and missionary leader.

They will do their best to give you consistent feedback and encouragement with regards to these strengths and weaknesses. At the end of the fall semester they will take time to review your progress. Not only will they give you feedback, but they will also ask you to share your opinions of the CMIT program up to this point, and allow you to offer any suggestions that may help them serve you better.

At the end of the school year you will have another review similar to the one at the end of the fall semester and you will need to complete two written evaluations: one for the director and another to be sent to the national Chi Alpha CMIT program director.

Programs Offered

The Classic Model

The classic model for a CMIT local program is a one campus, one staff team model. All interns learn and grow on one campus and relate to each other daily. The intern goes deep into the culture of one campus and knows one staff team well. The classic model has served Chi Alpha extremely well since the 1970s.

Angelo State University

San Angelo, TX

The CMIT program at Angelo State University is designed to prepare people for a lifetime of ministry through comprehensive training in small group discipleship, theology, and missions. Everything we do is filtered through the lens of relational evangelism.

Our vision is to train and send out well-prepared teams of missionaries to plant ministries across the U.S. and the world. We want to see the multitude of churches in rural West Texas loved and revitalized.

James Franklin
[email protected]

Auburn University

Auburn, AL

This program is designed to practically and theologically equip CMITs to communicate the gospel, make disciples, and build spiritual community on the university campus. You’ll have the opportunity to work closely with a staff team still relatively early in the pioneering process.

Our long-term desire is to raise up teams that will plant campus ministry both in the U.S. and around the world. If you want to learn, grow, serve, work hard, love well, and have loads of fun while doing it, then Auburn might just be the place for you. 

Craig Woodham
[email protected]

Austin Peay State University

Clarksville, TN

The Campus Missionary-in-Training (CMIT) program at Austin Peay State University is committed to providing a full immersion experience where individuals serious about discipleship can test and develop the tools necessary to produce disciples that make disciples. During the ten-month experience, participants can expect to be stretched, equipped, and affirmed as they are prepared to pioneer disciple-making communities where they are not already on the local university, church context, or around the world.

This commitment will be fulfilled through intentional life-on-life investment and mentoring, guided academic study, and immersive ministry practicum on and off the university in familiar and innovative contexts.

Jonathan Miller
[email protected]

Central Washington University

Ellensburg, WA

This CMIT program has been in existence since 1988. It requires a ten-month commitment (September through mid-June) on the CWU campus. It is designed to train individuals for full-time campus ministry under the supervision of an experienced staff person. It is a time to test your call to campus ministry as well as render service to the work of the Lord for a school year. Thorough biblical education and personal spiritual development is the foundation of this CMIT program.

Melissa Nguyen
[email protected]

Colorado State University

Fort Collins, CO

The CSU CMIT program’s focus is on training and raising up Chi Alpha personnel in team pioneering and relational, discipleship-based ministry. CSU staff will share with you everything they learned from pioneering the current ministry at CSU as well as an overseas campus ministry.

Interns will gain invaluable experience through small group leading, practical ministry classes, theology class, and their final CMIT project, which is preparing a five-year pioneering plan for a Colorado campus. Your time here will challenge your mind, sharpen your love for community and teach you how to fight hard for students to be reconciled to Christ. We would love to see you at CSU!

Nate Banke
[email protected]

Edinboro State University

Edinboro, PA

Edinboro University is a state school of more than 5,000 students on a rural 500-acre campus. It is on this mission field that CMITs will begin to run with endurance the race that is set before them—the reconciliation of students to Christ.

In the authentic relationships developed within this program, interns will find a family in which to safely grow and an army in which to be called higher spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically. Through intentional, personal coaching and mentoring by experienced campus ministers, hands-on ministry and leadership opportunities, and systematic study of theology and ministry, CMITs will develop the spiritual sensitivity and self-discipline that lead to a greater capacity and competency. 

It is the heart of the Edinboro staff to challenge, support, and equip you as you discover your anointing, follow your calling, and fan into flame the gift of God that is in you.

Brianna Brusco [email protected]
Jonathan Mendoza [email protected]

Helena Chi Alpha

Helena, MT

Like all CMIT programs, interns with Helena XA (HXA) will experience deep formation through a rigorous theological study program, immersive and hands-on ministry experiences, and pastoral and leadership development through one-on-one discipleship. But what makes us different? To start, HXA is the only CMIT program in Montana. Nicknamed the Treasure State, Montana is home to some of the best outdoor experiences the world has to offer. Nestled in the heart of the Rockies and halfway between Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks, Helena is home to hiking, swimming, fishing, hunting, skiing and so much more.

Helena is a beautiful place, but the people are pretty great too. HXA seeks to be a group of people growing in real relationship with God and others, so you’re not just an intern with us, you’re an integral part of our community. You won’t just be leading a small group, you will be exposed to every facet of our ministry, every level of our leadership, and many moments of our lives as well. This looks like preaching at our services, debating theology in our classes, leading mission trips with our students, and experiencing lessons taught with our horses. Did I mention we use horses as a discipleship tool in our ministry? XA Equine (XAE) is a unique outreach and ministry opportunity that seeks to cultivate depth, connection, and self-awareness within our students by utilizing horses.

Lastly, we are a ministry committed to innovation. Carroll College is a small, private, Catholic liberal arts college and, since 2019, has been closed to our ministry. So how do you minister on a campus where you are not allowed to have any formal presence? God has been faithful as we have navigated the hurdles, He has led our ministry to lean into the power of relationships, and He has grown our community every year. If you have a desire to pioneer a new campus or go into overseas missions where access is limited, HXA might be a great fit for you. Don’t just learn how to build a ministry when access to the mission field is limited, come and experience it yourself!

Tim Pays
[email protected]

Nick Petrusha
[email protected]

James Madison University

Harrisonburg, VA

Simply put, the goal is world domination. James Madison is a large regional school of over 20,000 students in a beautiful part of the country. We live by the three anchors of Chi Alpha: real devotion, real community, and real responsibility. Come and grow in your understanding of John 15 as lived out with our team. You will be trained theologically and practically in what it means to make a disciple who makes a disciple who makes a disciple. We want to raise up the next generation of pioneering leads, faithful team members, and marketplace ministers. Go Dukes!

Josh Moran
[email protected]

Missouri State University

Springfield, MO

A description is pending. Please contact the one of the missionaries below for more information.

Andy Estrella
[email protected]

Kristine Carlson
[email protected]

North Carolina State University

Raleigh, NC

NCSU Chi Alpha will provide interns an excellent experience as they work and learn alongside our team of veteran ministers. Interns will be stretched, challenged, and equipped to become wiser and stronger as ministers of the gospel. Our aim is to produce self-aware, strategic, and servant-hearted leaders. Each intern will receive personal attention from a pastoral supervisor and receive hands-on training in areas like small group discipleship, campus evangelism, and missions mobilization. We also offer training for those who are interested in focusing on ministry to internationals.

Gina White
[email protected]

North Dakota State University/Minnesota State University Moorhead

Fargo, ND /Moorhead, MN

This CMIT program has a strong emphasis on the power of the Holy Spirit and loving people. The ministry here has a three-fold strategy of strong large-group meetings, relationally-based small groups, and numerous ministry opportunities for students. The program of study also includes theological studies, preaching ministry development, mentoring skills, and personal development. The program will run nine months from mid-June to mid-May.

Joshua Brose. [email protected]

Bryce Bakkegard [email protected]

Northern Arizona University

Flagstaff, AZ

Northern Arizona University is a mountain campus of 22,000 students living at 7,000 feet elevation at the base of the San Francisco Peaks. We have an average of 288 days of sunshine annually. Mountain biking, hiking, skiing, and snowboarding are popular activities here along with hunting and fishing.

Our internship is rigorous and challenging, but also a lot of fun. We are a ministry of 100+ students involved in weekly worship and small groups. Our goal is to minister to your whole person while giving you hands-on and classroom learning opportunities.

Your primary mission will be to find, feed, and fight for a small group of your own while learning theology, preaching, and all aspects of campus ministry in a round table discussion format. You will participate in weekly morning prayer at our building and weekly outreach on campus in various settings.

You will receive one-on-one mentoring from a veteran staff member and participate fully in our weekly staff meeting. You will plan and lead a spring break missions trip either in the U.S. or overseas, depending on your experience. Our long term goal is to plant Chi Alphas on the unreached campuses in the expanses of the west.

Richard Carter. [email protected]

Matthew Cooley [email protected]

The Ohio State University

Columbus, OH

A description is pending. Please contact the one of the missionaries below for more information.

Jay Seidler
[email protected]

Alicia Ostermeyer
[email protected]

Oklahoma State University

Stillwater, OK

The CMIT program at Oklahoma State University-Chi Alpha (OSUXA) provides an opportunity to prepare to fulfill God’s call on your life as a campus missionary.

Evangelism is a strong focus of this chapter, and as a CMIT you will learn creative strategies for outreach. You will hone your personal skills in sharing your faith, making disciples, and learning to minister cross-culturally in Spirit-led and pragmatic ways.

Your primary training will take place at Oklahoma State University. Founded in 1890, OSU is a land-grant, sun-grant, coeducational, public research university located in Stillwater, Oklahoma on a beautiful 1,400-acre campus. OSU students come from all fifty states and over one-hundred nations around the world. You may also gain experience ministering in a nearby community college and HBCU environment.

The staff of OSUXA is diverse in ethnicity, gender, age, and educational background. With a biblical culture of leadership, at OSUXA you can learn from women and men with the heart and skills to take their experience and knowledge and “entrust [it] to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others” (2 Timothy 2:2). Our staff and student leadership team is a tightly knit family committed to your development as a leader.

At OSUXA, we desire our interns to become proficient in God’s Word, learning to see things from His perspective. We will encourage you to cultivate godly principles, develop your Christian life, and minister to university students as you persevere to become like Christ.

Brandon Garratt
[email protected]

Prairie View A&M

Prairie View, TX

A description is pending. Please contact one of the missionaries below for more information.

Sir James Offord

[email protected]

Rowan University

Glassboro, NJ

A description is pending. Please contact one of the missionaries below for more information.

Carl Nalbandian
[email protected]

Mark Hoffman
[email protected]

Sam Houston State University

Huntsville, TX

The CMIT program at SHSU is designed to give interns a well-rounded experience in campus missions with a program stressing hands-on training in small group discipleship, international student ministry, and with missions trip planning experience. Also included in the program is theological study geared toward both personal and preaching opportunities in church and large group campus settings. Our emphasis in ministry at SHSU is relational evangelism. This is an excellent training ground for learning how to relationally pioneer and build other campus ministries.

Sam Pitt

[email protected]

Texas Tech University

Lubbock, TX

A Chi Alpha CMIT program is a ten-month internship corresponding to an academic year designed to train individuals in every aspect of vocational full-time campus ministry. Everything that we do in our internship program is filtered through discipleship. All leadership, theological, and ministerial material taught is for the purpose of equipping an intern to find, feed, and fight for the lambs of God on campus.

Our desire is that every person who completes our internship program will be fully equipped as a lifelong follower of Jesus to be a disciple that makes disciples. West Texas is a wonderful district that is in great need of young servant leaders and we believe God has called us here to do just that. We are praying God would raise up leaders to stay and serve in West Texas as well as in foreign missions.

Avery Williams
[email protected]

University of Alabama

Tuscaloosa, AL

A description is pending. Please contact one of the missionaries below for more information.

Will Einhorn
[email protected]

Josh Ellen
[email protected]

University of Arkansas

Fayetteville, AR

It’s hawg-wild missions at the University of Arkansas! Here we focus on training interns who want to walk onto a campus and create something from nothing. Our program focuses on mentorship. We provide hands-on, practical ministry and lots of time with the senior campus pastor. Each week there are approximately 120 students in our main meeting and 140 in cell groups. We have a strong focus on cell (small group) multiplication.

Lesa Petty
[email protected]

University of Houston

Houston, TX
A description is pending. Please contact one of the missionaries below for more information.

Mary Vaughan
[email protected]

University of Illinois – Chicago

Chicago, IL

The CMIT program in Chicago is designed to train campus missionaries to effectively pioneer and build Chi Alpha communities in urban centers. The program’s ten-month immersion into “missionary city life” will equip interns to navigate both the strategic opportunities and unique challenges of serving in a large metropolis. This ministry experience will be a combination of directed Biblical and Theological study, practical ministry experience, and mentoring by experienced campus ministers. 

In a diverse, multi-campus experience, interns will join a citywide team of leaders engaging students at academically elite private schools, art schools, and large public universities. In addition to training in Chi Alpha’s core values (discipleship, student leadership development, prayer, community, and cross-cultural missions), interns will be uniquely equipped to navigate the tough spaces where faith in Christ intersects with justice and reconciliation in all of life and society. As a healthy devotional life, godly character, and authentic discipleship always precede lasting fruit, CMITs will be exposed to our Chicago Chi Alpha DNA which emphasizes the necessity of a strong personal “altar.”

Todd Lucas
[email protected]

University of Idaho

Moscow, ID

Experience ministry in a town that was recently ranked no. 1 for “Best Towns to Raise a Family!” Our CMIT is located in Moscow, Idaho (pronounced Mos-coh) on the beautiful University of Idaho campus. Moscow experiences four distinct seasons, boasts an incredible farmers market, and is blessed with a thriving local Assemblies of God church who loves Chi Alpha. The University of Idaho is mostly a STEM school with engineering, agricultural sciences, and business as top majors. You will “feel all the feels” doing ministry on a traditional, four-year residential campus of approximately 11,000 students.

UI Chi Alpha has been in existence for over a decade with our focus on small group ministry and one-on-one discipleship. Our internship program is a highly relational experience while following the national standards required to train qualified campus missionaries. Your primary task will be to build a life-group from scratch and learn how to make disciples who make more disciples. Our close-knit staff team looks forward to sharing robust theological discussions, personal mentoring, and a variety of leadership experiences with you!

Jessica Seaburg
[email protected]

University of Minnesota-Duluth

Duluth, MN

A description is pending. Please contact the missionary below for more information.

Dan De La Forest
[email protected]

University of Mississippi

Oxford, MS

The University of Mississippi, “Ole Miss,” is Mississippi’s largest university. In Oxford, MS you will find a beautiful campus, SEC football, and a thriving Chi Alpha group. God is doing amazing things here! Chi Alpha at Ole Miss is strong in discipleship and leadership development, racial reconciliation, and has a culture that is marked by transparency and encouragement. Our CMIT program places an emphasis on pioneering and mentorship with lots of time with the campus directors who are passionate about training up new Chi Alpha directors and support staff. We provide practical ministry experience and a systematic approach to ministry. When you complete our CMIT, you will be equipped to walk onto a campus and create something from nothing. Chi Alpha in Mississippi is relatively new, so you will not only be involved in training to pioneer a single university, but you will also have first-hand experience pioneering an entire state—the Assemblies of God Mississippi district. Check out our website or our Facebook page!

Mack Clements
[email protected]

University of North Dakota

Grand Forks, ND

The twelve-month UND Chi Alpha CMIT program will help you discover and develop the calling God has on your life. This internship will teach you about theology, ministry skills, preaching, relational evangelism, and discerning the call God has on your life. You can expect to develop and utilize what you learn with a strong emphasis on working as a team. We reach our campus with the gospel through weekly small groups, one-on-one mentoring, weekly large group services, and community events.

Judah Negron [email protected]

David Kasen [email protected]

University of Northern Colorado

Greeley, CO

A description is pending. Please contact the missionary below for more information.

Duncan Chance
[email protected]

University of Northern Iowa

Cedar Falls, IA

A description is pending. Please contact the missionary below for more information.

Derek Quinby
[email protected]

University of Tennessee

Knoxville, TN

A description is pending. Please contact the missionary below for more information.

Tyler & Brooke Martin
[email protected]

University of Texas – Rio Grande Valley

Edinburg, TX

A description is pending. Please contact the missionary below for more information.

Patricia Rodriguez
[email protected]

University of Virginia

Charlottesville, VA

Founded by Thomas Jefferson in 1819, the University of Virginia is a top-ranked public university with high selectivity. Due to its academic excellence, we believe completing the CMIT program with Chi Alpha at UVA will prepare men and women to serve on the elite campuses of the Northeast region.

Chi Alpha at UVA is a vibrant student community with a culture formed from our three anchors: real devotional life, real community, and real responsibility. Our goal and desire is to equip people to serve on universities in the Northeast and in foreign missions. Our program is built around foundational biblical theological teaching, discipleship from experienced campus pastors, and hands-on ministry experience.

Maddie Clevinger
[email protected]

Zach Hay
z[email protected]

Virginia Tech University

Blacksburg, VA

Virginia Tech is a big-time campus with a small town feel in the mountains of Southwest Virginia. The motto, Ut Prosim (That I May Serve), belongs to 32,000 students and we take it seriously.

The CMIT internship began here in 2016 and continues to flourish each year as we move towards our goal of equipping students to serve on universities campuses in the Southeast, the nation, and beyond in cross-cultural missions. Interns will learn to foster missional communities, preach, teach, reach the lost, disciple, and pioneer domestic and frontier missions through a dependence and reliance on the power of the Spirit.

In addition, growth is emphasized on loving God and others with the fruit of the Spirit, our intellect, and our strength; giving Christ and students our time, our heart, and our very lives. We do this through theological courses and discussions, practice of spiritual disciplines, navigating critical campus ministry issues, and daily CrossFit workouts (bodily training is of some value).

Along the way, an intern learns a greater level of self-awareness, equipping, and Holy Spirit empowerment as they become a part of cultivating a biblically literate community of student believers devoted to worship, prayer, fellowship, discipleship, and mission.

John Rebman
[email protected]

Western Washington University

Bellingham, WA

The WWU CMIT internship was the first in Chi Alpha. It is known nationwide for its educational excellence, creativity, and guided learning experiences. The internship offers graduate-level experience in biblical/pastoral studies, theology, pastoral care, and preaching. At the same time, we mentor each intern personally through one-on-one ten-month relationship with an experienced Chi Alpha pastor. The education of the intern’s mind, nurturing of deep spiritual ethical character, and the development of effective mentoring (oneto one and small groups) and evangelistic skills—that’s what the internship is all about. We offer a traditional as well as specialized internships that focus on Chi Alpha international ministry and community college ministry. Each intern participates fully with our staff in the oversight of one of the larger Chi Alphas in the nation. The WWU hub internship has had over 290+ interns successfully participate in the program.

David Knebel: Internship Director
[email protected]

Winona State University

Winona, MN

Winona State is a public university of just under 9,000 students that has a small-town feel. The ten-month CMIT program will equip you to lead and assist in any Chi Alpha by requiring you to learn the basics of every facet in campus ministry. You will be stretched and challenged in your ministry skills, theological foundations, as well as experience intensive character development.

Our program has a unique focus on sustaining positive relationships with university staff, performing at a high-quality level and valuing innovative change. The town of Winona is known for it’s beautiful bluffs, recreational activities, and vibrant community-life. One thing is for certain at our campus—you’ll never be bored!

Shona Budnick
[email protected]

Yale University

New Haven, CT

Yale XA offers the only internship on an Ivy League campus. Interns will experience their apologetic being sharpened and a broadening of their evangelistic potential. YXA is an ethnically rich community that provides cross-cultural ministry to future world changers. Our goal is to offer the best preparation needed to launch interns into future leadership on campuses across New England and around the world. Missionaries moving to Europe without previous campus ministry experience would benefit from our program.

Jenna DeJesus [email protected]

Sarah Malcolm. [email protected]

The Hub Model

The hub model for a CMIT program is a multi-campus, multi-staff team model. One campus hosts the CMIT director and serves as the central and administrative hub, while additional campuses serve as satellite sites. Interns are placed on different campuses and come together regularly for classes and district events. This model was first pioneered in urban Chi Alpha ministries over ten years ago.

Idaho State University

Pocatello, ID

Idaho State University is nestled in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains making ISU a magnet for those who love the outdoors. Pocatello, Idaho is consistently voted in the top ten outdoor cities in the country because of its unique proximity to Yellowstone National Park, Jackson Hole Wyoming, Idaho wilderness, and the Utah National Parks make it a launching point for adventure.

Chi Alpha was established more then 20 years ago at ISU and has been sending interns into missions and the market place for over a decade. Interns receive a unique ministry perspective at ISU and learn to work as a team member as they are fully included and engaged in every aspect of the ministry. Our goal is to tailor the internship experience for each unique person God sends our way. We believe each person brings a set of gifts and has a specific calling from the Lord.

Our ministry is centered on life-on-life discipleship, is small group centric, and team oriented. If you’re ready to reconcile students to Christ, raise up disciple makers, and are in for an adventure in the Rockies, then we would love to have you be part of the team.

Daniel Miller
[email protected]

Satellite Campus

Utah Valley University
Daran Lemon
[email protected]

Indiana Hub Model

Bloomington, IN

The Indiana CMIT program is a state wide collaboration that specializes in developing pioneers. Interns will receive hands-on experience in all areas of campus missions including discipleship, strategic thinking, and theological development. Our staff is committed to seeing you develop into the unique leader God has gifted you to be. Currently our program begins in August and runs until May.

Satellite Campuses

Ball State University
Muncie, IN
Joey Coons
[email protected]

Indiana University
Bloomington, IN
Alexis Farmer
[email protected]

Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN
Troy Wiktrorowski
[email protected]

Louisiana Diversity Project

Lafayette, LA

The Louisiana Diversity Project is a combination of the best in campus ministry that the state of Louisiana has to offer. Every campus missionary in Louisiana will be a part of your training! You will be challenged in the areas of theological studies, practical ministerial skills, and character development. You can choose what campus you want to experience your practical ministry training. We offer everything from private urban to small state residential campuses. You will be exposed to African-American ministry, international student ministry, athletic ministry, and a variety of evangelistic outreaches and growing small group ministry.

University of Louisiana – Lafayette

Eric Treuil
[email protected]

Satellite Campuses

Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA
Jonathan Buras
[email protected]

Louisiana Tech University
Ruston, LA
Jennifer Weiss
jenni_madde[email protected]

Brittany Reynaud
[email protected]

McNeese State University
Lake Charles, LA
Anthony Jones
[email protected]

Nicholls State University
Thibodaux, LA
Cecil Ellis
[email protected]

Southeastern Louisiana University
Hammond, LA
Austin Howenstine
[email protected]

Tulane University
New Orleans, LA
Matthew DeGier
[email protected]

University of Louisiana Monroe
Monroe, LA
Tyler Gerfers
[email protected]

Mountain State – Fairmont State University/West Virginia University

Fairmont, WV

Nestled in the southwest corner of the Northeast these two very different campuses comprise the Mountain State CMIT program. Our primary desire is to grow teams of workers for campus missions for Jesus’ harvest field in the Northeast.

Fairmont State is a 4,000 student commuter school. West Virginia University is home to nearly 30,000 students and is the flagship state school. The two cultures are very different, but the two teams share the CMIT training experience, as well leadership and fall retreats. Small group discipleship, relational evangelism, and a missions trip experience form the core of the intern’s hands-on experience, in addition to a strong connection and service to our local churches. Theological studies, preaching labs, and practical/pastoral ministry training provide the why for what our interns, staff, and students do.

Additionally, each intern is mentored by an experienced staff person throughout the early-August to late-May internship. “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” Join us to reach the most strategic campuses of the most strategic mission field in the world.

Sarah Halbert, CMIT Administrator, Fairmont State
[email protected]

Satellite Campus

West Virginia University
Morgantown, WV

Charles Sombrio
[email protected]

Katy Sombrio, CMIT Administrator
[email protected]

Northern California Model

Stanford, CA

We offer a district-wide internship experience on world renown universities. Our district Chi Alpha team has an amazingly deep bench of leaders who desire to pass their legacy on to a new generation of leaders. We’ve been praying that the Lord of the harvest would raise up laborers for this harvest field, and you might be the answer to our prayers. We invite you to join us in this worthy cause.

Stanford University
Glen Davis
[email protected]

Satellite Campuses

California State University – Sacramento
Sacramento, CA
Jimmy Homeier
[email protected]

California State University-Stanislaus
Stanislaus, CA
Jamil Stell
[email protected]

University of California-Davis
Davis, CA
Jennifer Klier
[email protected]

University of California, Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, CA
Eriq Truitt-Reed
[email protected]

Queens College, City University of New York

New York, NY

A description is pending. Please contact the missionary below for more information.

Craig Richey craig.xa.nyc@gmail.com

University of Alaska-Fairbanks

Fairbanks, AK

The AK-XA Campus Missionary-in-Training program is designed to train and equip individuals for vocational campus ministry on the universities in Fairbanks and Anchorage. This ministry experience is a combination of directed biblical study, practical ministry experience, and character development.

During the ten-month program, we also provide mentoring by experienced campus ministers. Our desire is to entrust the interns with principles of ministry and encourage a genuine devotion to Jesus so that they can reach others on the campus, at home, or abroad. Our purpose is to raise up disciple-makers who have a desire to be sent out into Alaskan communities and the world with a message of hope and light. 

Kevin Welch

[email protected]

Alex Springer
[email protected]

Satellite Campus

University of Alaska-Anchorage
Anchorage, AK

Kristen Allshouse
[email protected]

Steve Pavek
[email protected]

University of Central Arkansas

Conway, AR

The University of Central Arkansas is a primarily residential campus of 13,000 students. The DNA of the Chi Alpha here is marked by intimate discipleship, sacrificial prayer and fasting, and a deep desire to care for the poor and oppressed. CMITs will be challenged to a holistic approach to life and ministry. Discipleship, theological study, physical fitness, preaching, teaching, a healthy marriage and family, spiritual disciplines, and a deep revelation of the Father’s heart are just a few of the things you will experience during your time at UCA.

[email protected]

Jen Scheifer
[email protected]


Satellite Campuses

Arkansas Tech University
Russellville, AR
Pierce Williams
[email protected]

University of Arkansas-Little Rock
Little Rock, AR
Cody Griggs
[email protected]

University of Texas at San Antonio

The CMIT program at UTSA is a ten-month program designed to train and equip individuals for a lifetime of ministry. This ministry experience is a combination of pastoral and biblical study, practical ministry experience, and mentoring by experienced campus ministers with a heavy emphasis on small group discipleship. The components that drive our program are gospel proclamation, mission, serving the church, and discipleship.

Our desire is to entrust principles of ministry to faithful interns who will be trained to reach others. We also place a priority on equipping marketplace ministers and missionaries to serve the local church. Our purpose is to make disciple-makers who will be sent out to win the lost to Jesus both on the college campus and in the world.

Julia Walts
San Antonio, TX
[email protected]

Satellite Campuses

Texas A&M University-Kingsville
Kingsville, TX
Sean Water
[email protected]

Alayna Jones
[email protected]

Virginia Commonwealth University

Richmond, VA

We are convinced an internship at Richmond Chi Alpha will successfully prepare future Chi Alpha campus missionaries. We believe, due to its diverse student body and urban location, it is well-fit to prepare people to serve on the culture-changing campuses of the American Northeast. Therefore, our primary aim is to prepare people to be eligible to serve as nationally appointed campus missionaries with Chi Alpha Campus Ministries. Our desire is to equip people to serve on the urban universities in the Northeast and in foreign campus missions.

Our internship is a program designed to train individuals in most areas of full-time university ministry. It is much like an apprenticeship in which ministry skills are learned under the supervision of an experienced campus ministry staff person. This is a time when an intern can test his or her calling into full-time university ministry as well as render service to the work of the Lord for a school year.

Each CMIT shall be trained by experiencing ministry in the context of a biblically based campus community of student believers devoted to the development of worship, prayer, fellowship, discipleship, and witness. 

This practical ministry of equipping and supervision shall be combined with a basic biblical education through a directed course of study. In addition, a deliberate focus on personal spiritual formation and godly character shall be fostered within the CMIT’s private walk with God.

Mike Godzwa
[email protected]

Satellite Campus

Longwood University
Farmville, VA
Jenny McIntosh
[email protected]

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