Every Chi Alpha group moving international students from friendship to leadership, sending them as Christ’s ambassadors to transform the university, the marketplace, and the world.

chi alpha interntionals logo

We believe that God has brought the nations to us so that they can know Him (Acts 17:26-27). International students will come to know Christ through relationship with people who welcome them with Biblical hospitality (Deut 10:14- 19), who love and serve them intentionally (Mark 10:45, Matthew 20:28), and who proclaim the Good News as Christ’s Ambassadors on their campuses and communities (2 Corinthians 5:18- 20). God sees the nations represented on our campuses as the fields which are ripe for harvest (John 4:35), and also as laborers who will be sent into the vast harvest fields of the world (Luke 10:2, Matthew 9:37-38)! Friendship to leadership means that we want to see the international students on your campus  become lifelong disciple-makers (Matthew 28:18-20, 2 Timothy 2:2), who will disciple many others on campus and around the world. Chi Alpha’s goal is to disciple 100,000 international students from friendship to  leadership by loving them, serving them, and proclaiming Christ to them so that they will be  disciples who make disciples of all nations!

XAi Events


All Nations is a conference designed for Christian international students to experience powerful encounters with the Holy Spirit, Biblical teaching related to international life and time for connecting with fellow internationals, so that they can be inspired, equipped and empowered to fulfill God’s purpose on campus and in the world. Visit the All Nations website here.


Discover the Nations is a training conference for XA CMITs, staff and student leaders where they will discover God’s heart for the nations. They will also experience the nations through cross-cultural activities, international student testimonies and training in cross-cultural ministry from area and national leaders with years of experience discipling international students. DTN is hosted by XAi Area Reps in each area.

XAi Re-Entry

Do you have an international student graduating? We want them to be equipped and prepared to re-enter into their home countries or wherever God sends them post Chi Alpha as spirit filled disciple makers by connecting them with local believer groups in their communities.

XAi Resources

XAi Area Representatives

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