10.2 Prayer Campaign

We can all agree that the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. How many times have you heard ministries and missionaries say “We need more workers”? It’s interesting that Jesus’
If Jesus tells us to pray something we believe He’s open to answering that prayer.
Could our labor shortage be related to our prayer shortage?
What if we committed to pausing and praying for one minute every day at a set time for the Lord to move on the hearts of His people to become laborers for the harvest?
10.2 Prayer is a movement of prayer asking people to set a daily notification on their phones at 10:02 (AM or PM) reminding them to pause and pray for laborers. We are asking people to also text the keyword “xapray” to 313131 so we can track how many are participating. Every 60 people represents 60 minutes of prayer. We’ll notify you of every hour of prayer that’s added by texting you a celebratory message.
Our goal is 10,080 joining this prayer movement. That’s a week’s worth or 24/7 prayer happening every day for more.
Please join us and recruit everyone around you to join as well.
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