How We Got Here
First Chi Alpha group starts on the Campus of Missouri State University (formerly Southwest Missouri State University) by J. Calvin Holsinger.
First Chi Alpha house opens at the University of California-Berkeley.
First regional SALT (Student Activist Leadership Training) held in Waxahachie, Texas.
First Institute of Campus Ministry now Reach the University Institute (RUI).
- The “San Antonio Seven” – Dave Gable, Dennis Gaylor, Herschel Rosser, Harv Herman Jr., Dave Argue, Jim Hall and Brady Bobbink – meet to develop the 4-fold philosophy of Chi Alpha: Being a community of worship, fellowship, discipleship and witness Acts 2:24-47.
- First campus ministry internship at Western Washington University with Greg Smith, now Campus Missionary-in-Training (CMIT).
Dennis Gaylor is appointed as national Chi Alpha director.
International Student Ministry launched now XA internationals (XAi).
Assemblies of God Executive Presbytery moves Chi Alpha from National Youth Department to become a department in AG U.S. Missions.
Forged first Chi Alpha national staff team in Springfield, Missouri.
- First Christian International Student Conference, now All Nations Student Conference.
- Adding “prayer” to the four fold philosophy and introduced a new mision statement-“reconciling students to Christ to transform the university, the marketplace, and the world.”
- First Student Institute of Campus Ministry (SICM) at Western Washington University.
World Salt Conference in Los Angeles, California.
- The first World Missions Summit in Louisville, Kentucky.
- Launched Discover the Nations Conference.
Launched Chi Alpha 2010 a five year strategic plan focused on redefining Chi Alpha’s core values, vision and mission, as well as, pioneering new groups, increasing missionary support, energizing Holy Spirit empowerment, & adding full-time area and district directors.
The World Missions Summit 2.
- Campus Missions Conference – records largest Chi Alpha staff attendance up to that point.
- Launched Chi Alpha 2015 a five year strategic plan focused on branding, diversity, post college network, resources, systems, and post high school transitions.
National Director Dennis Gaylor resigns April 12, 2013 after serving in the national office almost 35 years.
- Chi Alpha officially announces E. Scott Martin as the seventh national director of Chi Alpha Campus Ministries, U.S.A.
- Chi Alpha is organized on 312 campuses led by more than 771 campus ministry staff and involves 28,000 students.
Check out more photos and history on Facebook.