Why Diversity Matters

Posted by Belkis Lehmann in Chi Alpha Connection, Cross-Cultural Missions, and Diversity
Brothers and sisters in Christ, I write this with tears and heartache as I see the division that characterizes our country continue to grow not only throughout the nation, but in the Church as well. As the diversity director for Chi Alpha, the driving force behind what I do is to make our Father proud and our Lord famous. As a parent, I hate when my children fight. It is echoed throughout Scripture that our Father in heaven also longs…

Diversity: A Chi Alpha Core Value

Posted by William LeRoy in Chi Alpha Connection, Cross-Cultural Missions, and Diversity
America has been in extreme tension points since last year. Much of the anxiety that has vexed our nation has been centered on racial issues and the battling of a stronghold humans have struggled with for millenniums: racism. As soon as I used the word racism, it elicited a reaction from many of us. This is a word we don’t like to hear or use. I didn’t like using it in this editorial, but I must. I still see and…

In this Moment

Posted by Belkis Lehmann in Cross-Cultural Missions and Diversity
In this moment, things are being revealed. Ugly truths so long ignored are on display for all to see. The underbelly of our society is being exposed. People are speaking up and sharing things they’ve kept silent. People are hurting. People are mad. People are coming together. People are being driven apart. We may not agree on everything, or on anything for that matter, but I think we can agree that we are in a moment. My heart’s cry, and…

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