Following the Biblical pattern in the book of Acts, we strive to build communities of worship, fellowship, discipleship, witness and prayer on campus. By “community” we mean that a  “gathered people on campus,”  is more visible and effective than a few isolated individuals.
By “community of worship” we mean that as a gathered people of God on campus, we must first establish ministry to God as the highest call of Christians. Chi Alpha expresses ministry to God by:  a) Directing adoration to His person in giving thanks for His acts of loving kindness toward us (Psalm 100; 150); b) Learning to sit at His feet like Mary and respond to Him (Luke 10:39; John 10:4-5); c) Allowing the spiritual gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 12-14 to flow through us to the Lord; and d) Learning to worship Him with our actions (1 Corinthians 10:31; Hebrews 13:15-16).
As a community of worship, we expect other ministries to grow best when nurtured in an atmosphere of worship. It is our desire to see students raised up that can work together to lead other students into God’s presence through praise and worship. Chi Alpha Campus Ministries provides training to teach and equip students how to be worship leaders. Please consult one of the staff about the process and appropriate training materials.

How to Lead Worship in a Small or Large Group Context

  1. The best worship leader is a good worshiper. Set an example.
  2. Remember your purpose: to direct people’s attention away from themselves and toward the Lord.
    • Be a teacher…what significance can be drawn from worship?
    • What is God wanting to say?
    • Model brokenness, transparency, victory, and authenticity
    • Call students to actively participate – even use the small group sheets that are in the Resource listing.
  3. Be prepared to lead, but allow the Holy Spirit to interrupt.
    • Be focused – lead clearly and effectively
    • Know the difference between leading songs and leading worship
    • You and the team (If you have one) will set the pace
    • Explain what we do and why in worship.
  4. Pray Like Crazy.
  5. Reduce ”noise“ in the room
    • Distractions in the meeting area?
    • It’s ok to be silent between songs, but nurture believers in different worship experiences…you must lead them.
    • Be attentive to the flow in worship. Is there someone drawing attention to themselves by singing too loudly?
    • Avoid center stage…reduce “attention getters” on the team.
    • Make sure that: the songs are picked out ahead of time; the person working the overhead machine knows what to do; the songs are readable; the instruments are tuned, etc.
  6. Determine a worship theme that is pertinent to what God is doing (or wants to do) in the gathering.
    • One aspect of God’s nature (i.e., His love, holiness, power) is often appropriate for a theme.
    • Many times a particular Scripture verse in the call to worship will serve to focus student’s attention on the theme for the gathering (i.e. Read Rev 4:11 “Tonight we’re going to worship the Lord Jesus because He is worthy!”…then list a reason or two why He is).
    • It’s better to have a theme and let the Holy Spirit change your direction than it is just to “float” through a gathering with no plan or direction.
  7. Decide which elements of worship you want to include in your worship plan: Be sure to choose those things that will promote your theme. Some basic’s that normally are included are: Call to worship, prayer, Scripture reading, singing, direct adoration of God, closing. Optional elements are: testimony and special presentations (i.e., music, drama).
  8. Write out your “plan.” Order your songs in such a way that they flow naturally from one to another. Be aware of the key(s) in which the songs are sung. Learn to link songs in the same key and of the same theme. Know who the songs are sung to (i.e., do you have songs…about God?…and worship songs…to God?
  9. Lead worship with one eye focused on God, and one on the people. Call all the students to participate. Realize that some will come in energized, some will be neutralized (and need to get their attention back on the Lord), and others may be vandalized (and need time to be prayed for, repent/confess, or be encouraged).


Sing heartily, concentrate on the meaning of the words, and enjoy His presence. Your purpose is to help students “see God and respond to Him as God.” Call them to break out of the fear of what people think and worship Christ sincerely.

All views expressed on this blog are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the view of Chi Alpha Campus Ministries, U.S.A., U.S. Missions, and The General Council of the Assemblies of God.

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