
Posted by Jesse Pingenot in Student
As my director, Andy, likes to say, no one goes to a meeting and complains afterwards that too many people greeted them. You just don’t hear, “That place was all right, but people just made me too welcome,” or “I’m never going back there. They are WAY too welcoming.” That just doesn’t happen. The first few minutes of every meeting—small group or large group—are an ideal time to find new people and welcome them to the group. And as student…

The World's Greatest Prayer

Posted by in Student
Texts to examine:            Matthew 6:9-15, Luke 11:1-10, Luke 18:9-14   I. How is your prayer life? Growing? Deepening? Dissipating? Luke 11 gives us the greatest prayer and safest pattern to learn how to talk with God. Outlined by Jesus, it has six topics as a model.   A.  Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed by thy name We begin by praising God for who he is: Our Father; and His character qualities:  healer, righteousness, peace, mercy, love, good, kind, shepherd, helper,…

Life Qualities of a Small Group Leader

Posted by in Student
Pray for the following qualities to grow in students who serve as small group facilitators.   1 Thessalonians 1:2 A life of thankfulness and prayer   1 Thessalonians 1:3 A hopeful, pastoral mindset towards others   1 Thessalonians 1:4 A vision for what God wants to do in others   1 Thessalonians 1:5 A clear, anointed messenger of the gospel   1 Thessalonians 1:6 A transparent example that can be imitated   1 Thessalonians 2:2 A courageous ability to endure opposition   1 Thessalonians 2:3 A life…

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