Testimony: Making Disciples of All Nations
By The National Chi Alpha Ministry Center in Chi Alpha Connection, Cross-Cultural Missions, Expeditions, and Student
By Bob Sickels
I had the privilege of serving on a mission team to the Caribbean last spring break. One morning before we headed to the elderly home where we were ministering, a member of our team, Brook, told Luana, another team member, and I about a prophetic word she received the night before that we would minister to a quiet man.

Pictured from left to right is Bob, Jeffrey, Brook and Luana. Bob, Brook and Luana are students at the University of North Dakota who served on a spring break mission trip to the Caribbean last year.
At the home, we met Jeffrey, a man the nurses confirmed had fried vocal cords and also had not walked in about a year and a half. With his permission, we began praying over him. As we prayed, I felt led by the Holy Spirit to pray in faith for Jeffrey’s legs to receive strength and to be able to walk. After praying for healing, I asked Jeffery if he could stand, and he stood and walked! Tears of joy and hope filled Jeffrey’s eyes as he hugged the team.
This trip filled me with the power of God, and I feel like God can use me in any and every way.
All views expressed on this blog are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the view of Chi Alpha Campus Ministries, U.S.A., U.S. Missions, and The General Council of the Assemblies of God.