We pledge to:
- Mourn with those who mourn by seeking the face of God and by bringing our requests to Him through prayer and intercession for justice and healing (Romans 12:15).
- Actively listen so to better understand the experience of all students and staff of color (James 1:19).
- Defend the cause of the oppressed by speaking out against racism (Isaiah 1:17).
- Lead staff and students in biblical repentance for and renouncement of the sins of our ancestors and for our own perpetuation of inequality (2 Chronicles 7:14).
- Seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit so that our hearts and minds may be continually transformed to understand God’s perfect will (Romans 12:2)
- Fight for the cause of the oppressed through financial investments, policy changes within organizations, and supporting legislation that depicts the heart of God (James 1:22).
- Open doors of ministry and leadership positions for staff of color and advocate on their behalf through the Minority Mobilization Fund and other initiatives (Isaiah 1:17).
- Equip and train Chi Alpha staff intentionally in gospel-centered racial reconciliation and make investments of resources, finances, and give time at local and national events and meetings (2 Corinthians 5:16).
According to the mission statement of Chi Alpha Campus Ministries, U.S.A.: “We reconcile students to Christ, equipping them through Spirit-Filled communities of prayer, worship, fellowship, discipleship, and mission to transform the university, the marketplace, and the world.”
Therefore, we reaffirm our continued efforts to reconcile students to Christ and, in turn, to one another as we foster an ethnically and culturally diverse community of Christ followers across our fellowship and leadership.