Developing Directors who Build Teams that Disciple Students on Unique Campuses

Watch Matt Herman, LDT and Development Director, introduces Lead Director Training

For over 50 years Chi Alpha has been committed to fulfilling the Great Commission. This is reflected in it’s long standing mission to reconcile students to Christ, transforming the university, marketplace, and the world. Over the years the potential of our mission was not hindered by lack of students, but a lack of qualified missionary directors. A Chi Alpha lead director is called to be a visionary, mission-minded leader who models discipleship so that students can catch the same vision and respond to their campus, and the world. The key indicator of a campus director’s success and progress, is when a student learns to disciple others who turn and disciple others. This requires the lead director to learn how to build teams (staff and student teams) who know how to disciple others on their unique campus. The call for Chi Alpha directors is one for more laborers; men and women with grit, humility, and discernment. 

Lead Director Training (LDT) prepares a leader to step into this missionary role. LDT is the beginning of a developmental process to see the Chi Alpha director carry out the mission of Chi Alpha with confidence and momentum during their initial years. In the same way our Campus Missionary in Training program (CMIT) helps close the gap for a students desiring to be Chi Alpha staff, LDT empowers and challenges a leader with ministry experience (whether inside or outside of Chi Alpha) to step into a lead director role. 

By the time you finish LDT you will have discussed leadership issues, theology, team development, and more. This program requires creativity and focus. The goal is to prepare you for what lies ahead with the assistance and collaboration of the Chi Alpha National Ministry Center, Area Directors, and District leadership. The future of Chi Alpha runs through the lives of the local campus director! 

Who's it For?

Lead Director Training is for two primary people: the new director and the director in need of fresh leadership training. For the new director, many backgrounds are possible. LDT is designed to help those coming up through Chi Alpha, whether finishing a CMIT or a long time staff member. LDT also serves those with ministry experience outside of Chi Alpha. Whether pioneering a campus or taking over as a new director of an existing chapter, Lead Director Training is designed to prepare you to build teams that disciple students on whatever campus God is placing before you. 

For those directors who have been leading a Chi Alpha chapter but need retraining, LDT will help sharpen leadership skills and provide the necessary steps to move forward. It is common for leaders to need a moment to reflect upon where they’ve been, as well as be reminded of the simple steps toward effective ministry. Courage is often confidence in the face of uncertainty, resistance, and/or turmoil. Encouragement is the building up of that confidence that has waned. LDT can be a source of encouragement for those who have faced significant challenges on campus. 

If you are not sure if LDT is for you, contact Matt Herman.


Lead Director Training is primarily a distance learning program. There are two in-person gatherings as seen in the schedule below. There are assignments due on a monthly basis, as well as cohort conference calls. Monthly cohort video conference calls typically last 3 hours and cover the material from that month’s work. In addition, each participant will receive a ministry coach for monthly calls. 

If an applicant has not attended Reach The University Institute (RUI) or attended a Pioneering Boot Camp, both are required for Lead Director Training completion. RUI is our primary introduction for anyone seeking a future with Chi Alpha. At RUI you will hear the vision of Chi Alpha and meet key leaders. It lays the relational building blocks for your future in Chi Alpha. The Pioneering Boot Camp is our introduction into life as a director. While not all directors in LDT will be pioneering, the mindset is critical for present and future development of ministry.  

The first step toward acceptance into Lead Director Training is to fill out an application and pay the $50 application fee. Once the application is received you will hear from the Lead Director Training Director to schedule an interview. While all are not accepted into the program, all are considered. 


The following are key dates to keep in mind: 

April 1, 2024Applications deadline (Cost: $50. Apply here.)
May 1, 2024Approval for Program
July 5-7, 2024LDT orientation (in-person)
July 7-12, 2024Reach the University Institute (if applicable)
July 8-9, 2024Pioneering Boot Camp (if applicable)
November 18-22, 2024LDT Intensive (in-person)
April – May 2025Final Assessments and Evaluations

For further information or questions contact Matt Herman.


The non-refundable, non-transferrable application processing fee is $50. The cost of Lead Director Training is $1,400. This cost covers all in-person costs for orientation, November’s LDT Intensive, some materials and coaching. This does not include travel and books. A spousal discount of $500 is available for full participation. There are two payment options: 

  1. Pay in full when accepted. 
  2. Pay a deposit of $400 by May 1st, and 10 monthly payments of $100 afterwards.  


Lead Director Training is both a developmental program and an assessment. Completion does not mean automatic acceptance as a Chi Alpha director. By the end of the program each participant will have finished all assignments; including a ministry playbook, theological report, and personal development plan. Once everything is finished and all interviews and assessments completed, there will be a recommendation and development plan for each participant moving forward. While our hope is that everyone is approved to become a Chi Alpha director, if it is in the best interest of the participant to find another role we will work diligently to find one. 

LDT Application

Applications are being accepted for the Lead Director Training until April 1, 2024.

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