Lead Director Training is primarily a distance learning program. There are two in-person gatherings as seen in the schedule below. There are assignments due on a monthly basis, as well as cohort conference calls. Monthly cohort video conference calls typically last 3 hours and cover the material from that month’s work. In addition, each participant will receive a ministry coach for monthly calls.
If an applicant has not attended Reach The University Institute (RUI) or attended a Pioneering Boot Camp, both are required for Lead Director Training completion. RUI is our primary introduction for anyone seeking a future with Chi Alpha. At RUI you will hear the vision of Chi Alpha and meet key leaders. It lays the relational building blocks for your future in Chi Alpha. The Pioneering Boot Camp is our introduction into life as a director. While not all directors in LDT will be pioneering, the mindset is critical for present and future development of ministry.
The first step toward acceptance into Lead Director Training is to fill out an application and pay the $50 application fee. Once the application is received you will hear from the Lead Director Training Director to schedule an interview. While all are not accepted into the program, all are considered.