Our Story
The story of the Minority Mobilization Fund (MMF) is the story of scores of missionaries from ethnic minority groups who have experienced great obstacles in raising support. Unfortunately, many of them no longer serve with Chi Alpha due to this fact. In 2014, the Diversity Task Force of Chi Alpha dreamed of having a fund to help open the door of ministry to new minority missionaries.
The Minority Mobilization Fund was launched at Campus Missions Conference (CMC) 2015. That fall we were able to partner with four brand new missionaries. We have given to over 95 missionaries more than $275,000 in grants to date.
Why Minority Missionaries?
People sometimes ask why we need a diverse missionary force. Here are just a few reasons: Having a diverse missionary team shows the campus that the gospel is for everyone. Diversity opens doors and provides teams a broader voice. It also increases the diversity of gifts within our movement. Beyond individual gifts, culture groups share unique strengths. We need diversity in our staff teams for the same reasons we pursue them in our stock portfolios to protect against potential weaknesses and increase our returns.
The MMF helps new minority missionaries by awarding Training and Anchor Level Support Grants. Training Grants are awarded to help with one-time costs such as RUI registration, CMIT fees, and Berean courses. Anchor-Level grants provide fifteen percent of a new missionary’s budget.
The MMF is now also coming alongside staff members by awarding Anchor-Level Support at ten percent of their budget for a two-year term.
The MMF is funded through the generous and sacrificial giving of Chi Alpha staff, groups, students, alumni, and friends. We ask staff to voluntarily give one percent or more of their missionary salary each month. The MMF is based on Galatians 6:2, “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” We are each called to carry our own load (verse 5), but there are burdens that are too great for one person. This is where the MMF comes in.
How to Give
Would you pledge today to give one percent of your income monthly for the next four years? Determine what is one percent of your average income and set up your recurring gift here.
How to Apply
For CMIT Anchor-Level Support Grants, CMIT directors are to submit applications here by May 1.
For Staff Anchor-Level Support Grants, staff (not CMIT directors) are to submit an application for themselves here by March 1. Applicants must have the following qualifications:
- Graduated from an approved CMIT program.
- Serve in a staff level capacity (primary leaders are not eligible).
- Served in Chi Alpha five years or less.
- Demonstrate a strong commitment to the support raising process.