
In this unit we have seen that the traditional way of interpreting the Old Testament law was to classify the law into the categories of moral, civil, or ceremonial law. However, we have concluded that this approach is inadequate, and we have suggested an alternative approach. We noted the narrative context of the law and discussed the covenant context of the law. Out of these two contexts we then applied the Interpretive Journey to interpret the Old Testament law. This method is the best approach to the law.

After the observation phase of study, we determine what the text meant to the biblical audience. Then we identify the differences between the biblical audience and us. Next, we cross the principlizing bridge and draw out theological principles. We take the theological principles and filter them through the grid of New Testament teaching as we cross over into the New Testament to identify the meaning for today’s Christian audience. Finally we determine specific applications of this meaning that will apply to specific individuals today.

This approach allows us to interpret all Old Testament legal texts with the same methodology. It provides us with a step-by-step system by which we can find valid application for a wide range of Old Testament laws. Are you ready to tackle the Old Testament law on your own?

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