The Lost Heritage of African American Missionaries

Posted by Belkis Lehmann in Diversity
Did you know that the first person to leave the U.S. and plant a church in another country was Black? Even though the Southern Baptist Convention has failed to recognize George Liele as the first overseas missionary from the U.S. because he was not “sent out” like Adoniram Judson who went to Burma thirty years later, many acknowledge him as such. Liele is just one of the many forgotten names of African American missionaries. In campus missions, we often talk…

How to Fight

Posted by Belkis Lehmann in Diversity
The Easiest Way to Lose a Battle is not to engage, to abstain, to sit out. I feel like that is what the majority of believers do when faced with the racial and ethnic segregation in the church. Today, I want to talk to those of you who are engaged and ask you this? Are you praying? Yes, praying. It’s so simple. Yet so overlooked. I don’t know about you, but it seems that I believe in prayer much more…

#MLK and @YOU

Posted by Belkis Lehmann in Diversity
Martin Luther King day is a national holiday, but is it a holiday for the nation? Does it affect every single one of us? Or is it just for African Americans? Should I, a Colombian born, naturalized American citizen of Cuban parents, care about MLK Day? I mean, after all, the civil rights movement did not affect or involve my family or me. Yet, I am planning on honoring the day in several ways. Not because of my ethnic heritage…

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