Taking the Next Step: Information

Posted by Belkis Lehmann in Diversity
Diversity is a core value in Chi Alpha and on most campuses. Yet, while we use the same word, it is doubtful we mean the same thing. Perhaps you’ve thought about this and asked yourself “what are our Father’s desires regarding diversity and how can I work with him to see those desires fulfilled on my mission field?” Over the next few months, we will be sharing some insights from Revelation 7:9, probably the most well-known and often quoted Scripture…

Taking the Next Step: Information Part 2

Posted by Belkis Lehmann in Diversity
Last month we talked about the first stage of diversity development, Information. We talked about the importance of informing ourselves on God’s view of diversity, as opposed to society’s. Another part of this stage is finding out about your campus. Who’s on your campus that is not in your group? How can you minister to those that are not currently represented? Cindy Evans, staff member at University of Michigan, shares some of their thoughts as they look at their campus,…


Posted by Belkis Lehmann in Diversity
The second stage of diversity development is Formation. Once we’ve built a foundation of God’s perspective and have informed ourselves on who is on our campus and what some of their felt needs are, our next step is to work at forming/bringing together a community that represents the campus. A look back at Rev. 7:9 shows us no one is left out. In the same way, it is our goal to form a community made up of every ethnic, tribal,…

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