
Posted by William LeRoy in Healthy Leaders and Student
I’m done. The frustration and anger in my heart were almost palpable as I threw my phone the few inches from my hand to my table, thrust my body weight into the back of my chair, and rolled my eyes so hard I could have seen my brain. I. Am. So. Done. It was nearing the end of a long day, in a long week, in what has been a long 2020, when I received a text that something I’d…

Small Choice, Huge Impact

Posted by Aaron Van Gorp in Cross-Cultural Missions, feedONE, and Student
I’m the kind of person who loves random facts. Whether it’s researching every actor in a show I’m watching or having the amazing ability to tell the life story of most 90’s rappers, I love random facts. Recently, I was wondering just how many decisions the average person makes in a day. To my astonishment, the average person makes over 35,000 seemingly conscious decisions over the course of twenty-four hours. Now, some of these may seem tiny but could have…

Old Prophets and Today's News

Posted by Alex Rodriguez in Student
“O Lord, how long shall I cry,And You will not hear?Even cry out to You, ‘Violence!’And You will not save.Why do You show me iniquity,And cause me to see trouble?For plundering and violence are before me;There is strife, and contention arises.Therefore the law is powerless,And justice never goes forth.For the wicked surround the righteous;Therefore perverse judgment proceeds.” This looks like a Facebook post from 2020. The world is on fire. There is unrest in the streets. There is suspicion in…

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