Your Life is a Gospel

Posted by Jesse Pingenot in Student
I’ve heard many students claim they don’t have a powerful testimony. Usually it comes with claims like, “I never really rebelled” or, “My story just isn’t as spectacular as other people’s.” That’s a load of crap. If you are a follower of Christ, if you have accepted Christ’s forgiveness, then you have the Spirit of the living God alive and moving inside you. Such a pure and powerful presence cannot leave a person unchanged. The fact that God lives in…

Love the Unlovable

Posted by Jesse Pingenot in Student
When I was a student, I was an unpleasant person. I was bitter and angry and I snapped at everyone. I was a hurtful person. And I was a hurting person. I’ve had depression since I was a child, and I refused to get treatment—or even acknowledge it—until late in college. I went through middle school as a fat kid with depression. And it left me with deep emotional and psychological scars. It’s no wonder that I started hurting other…

Why Community

Posted by Jesse Pingenot in Student
My Chi Alpha group at Missouri State University has embraced community as one of the greatest core values we have. More and more, we see Chi Alphas and churches alike focusing on building community. Why is this? Many accuse these ministries of selling out the Gospel. They claim that, in emphasizing community so much, these ministries become simple social clubs rather than actual ministries. And these people are sometimes right. But first, let’s talk about why we’ve chosen to focus…

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