You are the Plan

Posted by Jesse Pingenot in Student
YOU Are the Plan In what we call the Great Commission, Jesus commanded his disciples to “go and make disciples of all nations.” When He did this, He gave a new answer to the question, “What is a disciple of Jesus?” A disciple of Jesus makes more disciples of Jesus. How can you do that? A former professor of mine, Dr. Doug Oss at Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, outlined a very effective ministry strategy, one that I have adopted…

Taking Time for God

Posted by Jesse Pingenot in Student
“How often do I turn down invitations from God to spend time with Him?” One of my students, Gabe Richner, said this to me recently. We were talking about the Parable of the Wedding Feast in Matt 22 and Luke 14. This is a great question to ask yourself in application for this parable. In the parable, a rich man puts on a wedding feast, but when he summons everyone he invited, they refuse to come. Some made bad excuses…


Posted by Jesse Pingenot in Student
As my director, Andy, likes to say, no one goes to a meeting and complains afterwards that too many people greeted them. You just don’t hear, “That place was all right, but people just made me too welcome,” or “I’m never going back there. They are WAY too welcoming.” That just doesn’t happen. The first few minutes of every meeting—small group or large group—are an ideal time to find new people and welcome them to the group. And as student…

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