Why is the Holy Spirit Important?

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Because God cares, He’s provided the power needed to validate our witness. Kyle describes how the baptism in the Holy Spirit made the power available. Although I was raised in a Christian home and saw the Gospel vitally transform my parent’s lives, I lacked a personal, living relationship with Jesus. In high school, my friend TJ invited me to his youth group. For the first time I heard speaking in tongues as both TJ and his friend prayed over me,…

Developing Worship on Campus

Posted by in Student
Following the Biblical pattern in the book of Acts, we strive to build communities of worship, fellowship, discipleship, witness and prayer on campus. By “community” we mean that a  “gathered people on campus,”  is more visible and effective than a few isolated individuals. By “community of worship” we mean that as a gathered people of God on campus, we must first establish ministry to God as the highest call of Christians. Chi Alpha expresses ministry to God by:  a) Directing…

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