Unity of the Spirit

Posted by William LeRoy in Chi Alpha Connection
I was a good church kid when I entered the University of Arizona as an eighteen-year-old freshman. My first class was a biology course. The professor immediately polled the class on who believed in evolutionary theory and who believed God created the earth. I realized at that moment that I didn’t have what it took to take the big stand for Jesus outside of the insular environment I had been in for some time. Following class, I saw posters plastered…

We Live Missions

Posted by Ira Cole in Cross-Cultural Missions and Student
Following the fourth World Missions Summit in Houston, Texas, Cross-Cultural Missions Director Crystal Martin and I were overcome with gratitude and vision as we thanked God for the 2,000+ students that had committed to give a year and pray about a lifetime. At the same time, we also pondered what it might look like to invite students into a lifestyle of missions that went beyond a summer trip or a one-year commitment. The overflow of these initial conversations has led…

Testimony: Making Disciples of All Nations

Posted by The National Chi Alpha Ministry Center in Chi Alpha Connection, Cross-Cultural Missions, Expeditions, and Student
By Bob Sickels I had the privilege of serving on a mission team to the Caribbean last spring break. One morning before we headed to the elderly home where we were ministering, a member of our team, Brook, told Luana, another team member, and I about a prophetic word she received the night before that we would minister to a quiet man. Pictured from left to right is Bob, Jeffrey, Brook and Luana. Bob, Brook and Luana are students at…

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