A Life of Prayer

Posted by Paul York in Chi Alpha Connection and Student
The Son of God required constant prayerfulness and intensive times of focused prayer. To be human, according to Jesus’ example, is to be a creature who needs to be involved in regular, heartfelt prayer times with God, which helps us to enjoy, value, and glorify Him. Not only that, but prayer is for our own good as well: we should bring our lives constantly back into sync with the values and mission of God’s Kingdom through communication with Him. Even…

Giving: A Reflection of the Lord

Posted by Thomas Trask in Chi Alpha Connection and Student
As Christians, we all know we should give in every area of our lives: our time, talents, and treasure. It’s not a question of whether or not to give—what matters is the reason why we give. In 1 Chronicles 29, David understood giving makes an eternal impact, “We are here for only a moment… gone so soon without a trace.” David embraced the fact that we are temporary and what lasts are those things that become part of God’s omniscience.…

Are we Babylonian or Biblical? (Part One)

Posted by Brian Hargett in Cross-Cultural Missions and Expeditions
Have you ever considered how closely the Great Commission in Matthew 28 parallels the Genesis Assignment in Genesis 1? “Go and make disciples” sounds a lot like “Be fruitful and multiply.” “Of all nations” sounds a lot like “fill the earth,” and “teaching them to obey everything I’ve commanded” sounds a lot like “and subdue it (the earth.)” Throughout Scripture, we see God’s desire for His people to multiply and spread so the “earth will be filled with the knowledge…

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