Continuing Education

Posted by Chothiakadavil Robinson in Healthy Leaders
Growing up I was always interested in learning. If the learning was structured and geared toward a goal, I found it to be driving, thrilling, and achievable. Growing up in India, education is culturally very significant. Your future prospect of a “good life” depends heavily on your educational pursuits, so the expectation is not that you just graduate from high school or college, but graduate with distinction and pursue education as far as you can. When I first came to…

You Are Welcome Here

Posted by Belkis Lehmann in Diversity
What does it mean to welcome someone? When we talk about creating a multi-ethnic Christian community we often talk about being a welcoming place, about welcoming everyone. But how does welcoming really work? Stores often have welcome signs on their doors. It means they are open, ready for business, and want you to come in. Is that what we mean as well when we tell someone they are welcome to come to our service or discipleship small group? Are we…

Money: Tackling the Taboo Topic

Posted by Peter Bullette in Healthy Leaders
I have a confession. I hate talking about money. Don’t misunderstand me—I don’t hate talking about money in general. I don’t hate talking to students about money and teaching them how to be wise and generous stewards of their money. I can do that without a problem. After all, I majored in accounting when I was in college! I hate talking about my money. (I know it isn’t really my money; I am a steward. But bear with me for…

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