Coaching and Self-Development

Posted by Michael Olejarz in Healthy Leaders
Tom Brady, quarterback of the New England Patriots, is possibly the Greatest of All Time (GOAT). His development over the past eighteen seasons has been aided by coaches, all designed to maximize his performance. Tom has directly benefited from a head coach, offensive coordinator, and strength, flexibility, nutrition, and throwing coaches who have focused their efforts into making Tom better each day. Of course, Tom’s willingness to be coached up has contributed to the stellar career he has forged and…

Living Out of the Wrong Identity

Posted by Jeffrey Alexander in Healthy Leaders
As a high school tennis player, I remember the pressure and tightness I would feel on a second serve with the game on the line. The pressure and fear of a double fault could result in me tightening up and not being able to execute the well-practiced second serve. In sports, even the best athletes can tighten up with the game on the line. Instead of competing to win, the fear of losing can begin to dominate, e.g., an NBA…

Emotional Healing by the Hand of Jesus

Posted by Robert Anderson in Healthy Leaders
“Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!” This passage from Psalm 34 used to be a place of confusion, frustration, anger, and even doubt. Three little words in these two sentences would trigger great emotion every few months when I would read them during my personal study time as a new Christ follower. The words “good,” “joy,” and “refuge” were words that I didn’t understand, and I definitely didn’t…

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