Five Biblical Thoughts on the Confederate Flag

Posted by Belkis Lehmann in Diversity
Flags as symbols can evoke feelings of loyalty and passion, and the Confederate flag certainly does this. While there are those who defend it, many today see it as a symbol of hate, while still another group neither defend it nor calls for its annihilation. But what should the citizens of God’s Kingdom think about it? I offer five Biblical thoughts for members of Chi Alpha regarding the Confederate flag. I suggest we think through these five points and use…


Posted by Stefanie Chappell in Healthy Leaders and Student
I ran into my apartment at my normal fast speed. I was late to a meeting, because my last meeting ran long. I exchanged a couple of items from my bag as I ran toward the door, already late for my next appointment. As I reached for the door handle, I paused for a moment and tossed up a quick prayer for strength and wisdom. In the brief moment that I paused I could feel my heart beating. Fast. In…

Spiritual Care: Refueling

Posted by Gina White in Healthy Leaders and Student
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us (ESV).Hebrews 12:1 There’s a principle in distance running: Refuel before you feel like you need it. The basic idea is if you wait until your body shows signs of need, it’s too late. By refueling well and often, you ensure finishing strong. But anyone who has…

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