Wave of Partnership

Posted by Dan Allan in Chi Alpha Connection
“I just talked to a live one!” When Ronnie told me this yesterday in the office, it felt like an invitation to ask more questions. Ronnie explained to me she had just talked to a 16-year-old student named Bradyn who is dual enrolled in high school and at his local community college. Bradyn wanted to learn more about what it would mean to start the first campus ministry at his community college in Georgia. Those of us who share a burden…

Unity of the Spirit

Posted by William LeRoy in Chi Alpha Connection
I was a good church kid when I entered the University of Arizona as an eighteen-year-old freshman. My first class was a biology course. The professor immediately polled the class on who believed in evolutionary theory and who believed God created the earth. I realized at that moment that I didn’t have what it took to take the big stand for Jesus outside of the insular environment I had been in for some time. Following class, I saw posters plastered…

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