When we become Christians, God welcomes us into His Kingdom and, through Scripture, invites us to duplicate that same welcome to people from all nations.

In the Old Testament, God commanded Israel to reveal to all nations who He was by welcoming the foreigner in their midst. The New Testament brings into sharp focus the reason we welcome: we have been brought from a place of enmity with God into His family—a welcome provided by God through Jesus Christ.

In Chi Alpha, we are Christ’s ambassadors who reconcile those from every nation who were alienated from God through our heavenly welcome.

American college campuses today host about 1.2 million international students, many of whom come from places with little or no access to the gospel or knowledge of Christ. Once you welcome them into this country, they have the potential to turn this world around for God because by welcoming the foreigner, you give them access to what is out of reach for many of them—God Himself!

All views expressed on this blog are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the view of Chi Alpha Campus Ministries, U.S.A., U.S. Missions, and The General Council of the Assemblies of God.

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