Testimony: Testifying to the Truth of Religious Discrimination

Posted by William LeRoy in Chi Alpha Connection
After over forty years of contribution to California State University-Stanislaus, Chi Alpha was derecognized as a student organization in September 2014. The derecognition was ordered and Chi Alpha was kicked off the campus when they refused to accept a policy that denied the local group the right to choose its leaders based on whether they believed in our mission and were Christian. This issue quickly became national news and Chi Alpha under the guidance of Becket Law stepped into the…

The Sound of Change

Posted by William LeRoy in Chi Alpha Connection
A strategic part of leadership is knowing things need to change and the ability to navigate it. Often it is said that the most important characteristic to making change is having the courage to make the shifts. But I would suggest listening is just as important because it gives you a guide as to what needs to change and when. I have served in the capacity of senior director of Chi Alpha Campus Ministries, U.S.A. for just over five years.…

How Chi Alpha is Growing

Posted by William LeRoy in Chi Alpha Connection and Training
Chi Alpha is growing! The growth we have experienced isn’t just random, but rather strategic, deliberate, and Holy Spirit directed. For the 2013-2014 academic year, we had 668 affiliated Chi Alpha staff, and today we have 1,320. This substantive doubling of our staff is the result of a deliberate challenge to our students to consider campus ministry with Chi Alpha as a life vocation and bring the possibility before the Lord. The growth in our missionary staff is also due…

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