On Mission Together

Posted by Crystal Martin in Healthy Leaders
Two-year-old Esther with bare feet, pigtails, a floral onesie, and a huge grin stretched across her face came thundering around a church corner, her mom scurrying to keep up. Both mom and daughter were weary yet enjoying the pros of the conference life of an XA family. A dad and preschool son, bachelors for the week while mom is marching to her marketplace call, stand a few inches apart in a perfect unison stance with smiles and sleepy eyes after…

Don’t Let Happiness Dictate Your Level of Obedience

Posted by Jeffrey Alexander in Healthy Leaders
When I first talked to my dad about pursuing seminary and obeying God’s call into ministry instead of going to law school, his words to me were, “Obey God in whatever He tells you to do. If he tells you to sit on a curb for Him, then do that.” Coming out of seminary, I recall turning down a well-paying, secure position at Evangel Temple to move to Montana as a Campus Missionary-in-Training (CMIT). Earthly wisdom would have been to…

The Wisest Investment

Posted by Alex Rodriguez in Student and Training
There are generally two types of disciple-makers: those who are excited and those who are exhausted. Those who are excited are filled with energy because one of their disciples is training to make disciples, reading good books about Jesus, or continually making time to be with community. These leaders are excited because they are seeing the reward of their investment. This is in large contrast to the exhausted disciple-maker. The exhausted disciple-maker’s small group has no interest in discovering Jesus. His or…

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