Dreams, Refried Beans, and Assumptions

Posted by Rigoberto Herrera in Diversity
Hello, my name is Rigoberto and I’m diverse. Okay, glad we got that out of the way. I bet you’re dying to know if, as a Hispanic, I dream in English or Spanish. The answer is both. Anything else you’d like to know about my diversity before we continue? Years ago, as a teenager, an older Caucasian woman asked me a question about my dreams. I don’t fully recall the context of the conversation, but I do recall what direction…

God Uses All Kinds of Chi Alpha Staff

Posted by William Walsh in Student
When I finished up my first SICM back in 2002, I knew then and there Chi Alpha was destined to be a part of my life in serving Jesus and mobilizing the Good News.  So many of us Chi Alpha staff can trace our college ministry origins back to such a moment. At one point or another, we saw the white heads of grain amid the university and responded. We saw the huge, flaming mountaintop beacon beckoning us to love…

Coaching Testimony: Alyssa Stroh

Posted by The National Chi Alpha Ministry Center in Chi Alpha Connection
New Director Training has truly raised me up to become so much better of a leader than I would have ever anticipated. Prior to the training, I had very little understanding of what it meant to be a leader and director for Chi Alpha. I barely had enough experience to help me stay afloat for my first year, but not much beyond that. I honestly don’t know if I could have made it long term if I hadn’t gone through…

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