Strategic Investment in Chi Alpha Growth

Posted by Stefanie Chappell in Chi Alpha Connection
“Strategic Investment in Chi Alpha Growth” Special Forces I have always been fascinated with Special Forces. The members of this exemplary group train for years to learn the skills needed to operate effectively when called upon. The relationships among them are vital to their success—they grow to honor and trust one another implicitly. They are so well versed in the strategy and purpose of the mission that they can adapt their tactics if they run into a problem and still…

Visionizing: Strategizing with the Holy Spirit

Posted by William LeRoy in Chi Alpha Connection
I have always been an advocate for being strategic, deliberate, and replicable in ministry. I have frequently discovered our planning relies extensively on our own dreams and vision for ministry, and the pathway to implementation is often our own best ideas. Some people are gifted for structural organization, strategizing, and the execution of those ideas, but when those skills are coupled with the leading of the Holy Spirt, we accomplish God’s vision and plan for ministry. This past January, the…

The Right Motive

Posted by Alex Rodriguez in Student
Preacher Charles Spurgeon has an old sermon anecdote that goes like this:  There was a king who ruled over everything in a land. One day there was a gardener who grew an enormous carrot.  He took it to his king and said, “My lord, this is the greatest carrot I’ve ever grown or ever will grow; therefore, I want to present it to you as a token of my love and respect for you.”  The king was touched and discerned the man’s…

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