Small Choice, Huge Impact

Posted by Aaron Van Gorp in Cross-Cultural Missions, feedONE, and Student
I’m the kind of person who loves random facts. Whether it’s researching every actor in a show I’m watching or having the amazing ability to tell the life story of most 90’s rappers, I love random facts. Recently, I was wondering just how many decisions the average person makes in a day. To my astonishment, the average person makes over 35,000 seemingly conscious decisions over the course of twenty-four hours. Now, some of these may seem tiny but could have…

XAi Leadership Intensive Training

Posted by Cynthia Dobbs in Chi Alpha Connection, Cross-Cultural Missions, Training, and XAi
The inaugural XAi Leadership Intensive Training (XAi LIT) launched successfully June 1, 2020. When COVID-19-related social distancing made the historic All Nations international student conference impossible, an online training that would inspire, empower, and train internationals was designed. This training ran over the course of six weeks with students attending online classes and weekly Bible studies where they gained experience in leading a Bible study. Each student was assigned a coach to help them navigate through the unique challenges faced…

In this Moment

Posted by Belkis Lehmann in Cross-Cultural Missions and Diversity
In this moment, things are being revealed. Ugly truths so long ignored are on display for all to see. The underbelly of our society is being exposed. People are speaking up and sharing things they’ve kept silent. People are hurting. People are mad. People are coming together. People are being driven apart. We may not agree on everything, or on anything for that matter, but I think we can agree that we are in a moment. My heart’s cry, and…

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