Staying Christian in Ministry

Posted by Stefanie Chappell in Healthy Leaders
I have found that one of the hardest things about being in ministry (for me now for well over two decades) can be maintaining fervent faith. Yes, I just said that. The ministry is a wonderful calling—an adventure in walking with Christ that’s a little off the beaten path compared to many vocations. In being called to full time ministry, I have been invited to walk a path similar to the path Jesus walked—dependent on God through His people for…

Full Bellies

Posted by William Klier in Cross-Cultural Missions, feedONE, and Student
On July 16 of this year, I became the father of a teenager and it hit me: in the campus lifespan of a “super senior,” my daughter will be a freshman in college! I remember so distinctly just holding her in my arms for the first time. I can recall even speaking to her while she developed in my wife’s womb. As it’s commonly said, the days are long and the years are fast! My daughter is an amazing young…

Student Testimony: Taylor Cruz

Posted by The National Chi Alpha Ministry Center in Chi Alpha Connection, Student, and Training
In 2015, I graduated university and worked with the New Mexico State University Chi Alpha group for two years before enrolling in the Campus Missionary-in-Training (CMIT) internship. As a result, I have the unique perspective of doing campus missions with and without having completed a CMIT internship. I grew more in one year of the CMIT internship than the previous two years combined. That is not to say I neglected reading or seeking Jesus’ face, but the internship was structured…

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