Student Testimony: Taylor Cruz

Posted by The National Chi Alpha Ministry Center in Chi Alpha Connection, Student, and Training
In 2015, I graduated university and worked with the New Mexico State University Chi Alpha group for two years before enrolling in the Campus Missionary-in-Training (CMIT) internship. As a result, I have the unique perspective of doing campus missions with and without having completed a CMIT internship. I grew more in one year of the CMIT internship than the previous two years combined. That is not to say I neglected reading or seeking Jesus’ face, but the internship was structured…

Building Missionaries that Last

Posted by Alex Rodriguez in Chi Alpha Connection, Student, and Training
A long time ago, I was invited to participate in something crazy with somefellow missionaries: ride five century rides (100 miles on a bicycle) for five days in a row. The only thing worse than riding 100 miles is riding 500 miles! Naturally, I declined the invitation. The person inviting me then insisted I ride at least one day. I could experience the ride, become familiar with the course, and the following year I could ride five century rides in…

How Chi Alpha is Growing

Posted by William LeRoy in Chi Alpha Connection and Training
Chi Alpha is growing! The growth we have experienced isn’t just random, but rather strategic, deliberate, and Holy Spirit directed. For the 2013-2014 academic year, we had 668 affiliated Chi Alpha staff, and today we have 1,320. This substantive doubling of our staff is the result of a deliberate challenge to our students to consider campus ministry with Chi Alpha as a life vocation and bring the possibility before the Lord. The growth in our missionary staff is also due…

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