Every Student Goes!
We want to see every student go on at least one cross-cultural trip during his or her four-year collegiate career.
We want to see every Chi Alpha group make a five-year commitment to going to the same place/area/project. Meaning, don’t go to South America this year, Japan next year, and the Middle East the third year, pick one place/area/project and commit there for five years (i.e., returning every summer)—this kind of longevity has proven most effective, strategic, and fruitful!
We want to see students give a year and pray about a lifetime! Between college and entering into your career, give one year of your life to serve along side missionaries. And pray about serving for a lifetime! There are opportunities all over the world and in the United States. The opportunities range from traditional ministry to business, education, engineering, and everything in between. Check out our opportunities section.
Why We Go
Jesus said GO into all the world. Every believer has a role to play in God’s global mission. God is looking for a generation that will raise up their hands toward heaven and say “pick us!” Will we be that generation? Will we be the generation who will take the gospel to the ends of the earth? Will we be the generation that rises up with passion for the least reached? Will we be the generation to step out of our comfort zone and go? Isaiah said, “Here am I Lord, send me!” Let’s not be the “I” generation who is all about me. Let’s be the Isaiah generation that says send me! I will go!
The Great Commission is not an option but a mandate.
Welcome, Expeditions Team Leaders!
To register an Expeditions team, click on the link below. Please be aware all paperwork must be completed and submitted by February 1 for spring break teams or April 1 for summer teams. If leading a team in a timeframe other than spring break or summer, all paperwork must be completed and submitted 45 days prior to departure.
Please email any questions to [email protected].
If you have international students going on missions trips, there are some steps they will need to take beforehand. Read more here.
Give a Year Opportunities
We are challenged to give in our time, love, resources, and abilities. What about giving one year of your life to the great commission before entering into your career? The Mormons have been doing it for years. In 2009, they sent almost 57,000 of their young missionaries (age 19-21) all across the world to preach their “gospel.” When we have the authentic gospel, how could we not go? How could we not respond to a hurting world who desperately needs to hear about the love of Christ and His saving power?
There are countless opportunities across the world and in the United States where missionaries are asking for help and you could be an answer to their prayers. Some are pioneering Chi Alpha overseas, or doing other forms of traditional ministry like church planting. Others are running coffee shops or other local businesses as a platform to live in countries where you cannot have “missionary” stamped in your passport. There are opportunities to teach, to act, to study, even to be a personal trainer or better yet, do exactly what you just studied how to do for the last four years.
If you’re interested and would like more information contact us at [email protected].